Alliages gallery are offering a spot in their next physical exhibition for one established artist as well as a place for one person from the emerging talent category.
An artist, often creative and talented, has great difficulty revealing their work. Alliages’s goal is to promote the career and the creative world of its artists by showcasing their works to the public at various events and exhibitions.
“One of Alliages most important goals is to help launch new and emerging talents within the contemporary art jewellery scene. Since 2009, Juan Riusech has been championing makers from all over the globe, at all stages of their careers, by providing both a physical and digital safe space for them to showcase their work. His approach is both real and honest and his generosity with both his time and skills within the Precious Collective, make him and the gallery a perfect partnership for this event.”
Cluster London are offering a place in the upcoming Cluster Jewellery Fair to one lucky winner. This event takes place on Oxford Street in London, between the 8th-13th December. This prize includes access to the talks and workshops program, which are part of the event, as well as an automatic one year membership with the cluster community.
Cluster is more than a fair. It’s a joint venture, a shared journey, a creative safe house and exercise in community building. Each and every fair and event is a meeting place of like-minded individuals, sharing stories of success and struggle, initiating conversations and collaborations.
“Cluster have been championing contemporary jewellery, within their events and online, since 2016. They now have safe spaces for artists within jewellery, craft, illustration and photography and truly put makers at the centre of everything. Their honesty and ability to nurture a community are what has drawn the Precious Collective to partnering with them. We can’t wait to watch this partnership bloom.”
Melody Vaughan & Precious Collective
Precious collective have been working with Melody Vaughan to provide two mentoring sessions (each of 90mins) for one winning artist.
Through a series of 1:1 sessions with Melody you can delve into the values and motivations for your work, identify the things that energise you and look for exciting possibilities. Together you can set goals or find a path forwards. You can talk about your making so that you feel confident communicating in person and in writing.
“Melody Vaughan is a passionate curator and creative consultant who supports and promotes makers. If anyone has had the good fortune of working with her or have her on your side, you’ll know what wonderful insight and kindness she has for both emerging and established artists. Melody truly is a one-off and we’re proud to partner with someone who seeks to encourage and develop the creative community as much as we do.”
Autor are offering one lucky winner a “media award”. This consists of full promotion of the winner’s work on the AUTOR digital platform,an artist profile on the website with an interview article and promotion across Facebook and Instagram for a year.
AUTOR is an exclusive scene for contemporary jewellery, concepts and encounters. It is the space where both functional and conceptual approaches to wearing jewellery can be seen and touched. As a platform, AUTOR communicates on different levels and through various media: the fair, the printed magazine, the awards and a versatile digital arena.
“We are excited to welcome Autor amongst our partners. Their warmth and inclusivity drew us to them and we love how they champion makers at all stages of their artistic careers. As a fair and an international platform for contemporary and art jewellery, Autor are a perfect partner for us to kick off this journey with.”
K2 jewellery academy are offering 2 mentoring sessions to one winning maker. The mentoring will be with each of the company founders, Katrin Spranger and Kelvin J Birk. In these sessions (each 45 minutes with one initial 10 minute consultation) the artist will be able to ask for guidance and advice on business and design development. The sessions and mentoring will be tailored to suit the winning artist and the next steps in their career.
K2 Academy of Contemporary Jewellery is the ideal place for those who want to develop their jewellery design and making skills, whilst stepping outside of mainstream boundaries and thinking critically about the creative process. Their students learn new skills and traditional jewellery techniques whilst experimenting with a variety of different materials, including base and precious metals, gemstones as well as unconventional recycling materials and found objects. In addition students are introduced to the professional jewellery industry through teaching of business skills.
Katrin Spranger-
Kelvin J Birk-
“Katrin Spranger and Kelvin Birk of the K2 Academy were the first people to give Lynne the confidence that she needed to create the Precious Collective back in 2017. As well as supporting us in all our endeavours, they have since set up the K2 Academy, which nurtures new makers and very honestly allows them to explore the ever-changing landscape of contemporary jewellery. Both Katrin and Kelvin are amazing makers, who we are proud to count amongst our members and are now even more excited to partner with for this year’s event.”
Makers Against Extinction was set up this year by fellow Precious Collective member Lucy Spink, in response to the 21 For 21 campaign; originally created by Explorers Against Extinction. It champions the work of twenty-one conservation projects around the world. By asking makers to pledge £21 of every sale towards these projects, Lucy hopes to raise awareness amongst makers for this incredible charity who are helping vulnerable species and wild spaces stay alive during 2021. As individuals, our team are just as passionate as Lucy about preservation and the impact that we, as makers, are having on our planet. We look forward to working closely with Makers Against Extinction and hope that you will join us in supporting them by visiting their website to find out more.
Please note that all prizes may be subject to change or adjustment due the global impact of Covid-19 . All winners will need to work directly with our partners. Timings of prize fulfillments must be arranged between the winning makers and the partner who has offered them a prize. Makers will also be required to supply them with any images or information upon request.